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The Town

Faulkner Willliam

The Town

Random House, 1957. Hardcover,371pp. Book Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. Red cloth binding, gilt/grey titles, top edge stained grey. Stated “First Printing” on the copyright page. First state DJ, dated 5/57, price $3.95 intact. Line 8 on p. 327 repeated at line 10. DJ very good with light shelf-wear and a few tears to the front panel and spine ends. Nice addition to your collection. References: Petersen A34a; FPAA. From the publisher: In the overall-design of the trilogy devoted to the origin, rise and dominance of the Snopes family, The Town is the second novel....
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Gunter Grass  The Tin Drum

Gunter Grass

The Tin Drum

FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. Pantheon, New York, 1962. Hard Cover. Book Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. 1st American Edition with no stated edition on copyright page or additional printings - just 'English translation 1961, 1962 Pantheo....
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Robert Ridgway, S. A. Forbes  The Ornithology of Illinois Vol. I

Robert Ridgway, S. A. Forbes

The Ornithology of Illinois Vol. I

ILLUSTRATED EDITION. Authority Of the State Legislature, 1889. H. W. Rokker, Printer And Binder, Springfield, IL, 1889. Hardcover 520 pages with 32 engraved plates. Vol. 1 only. Green cloth with Eagle design in gold on front cover. Color lithograph fronti....
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Edith Wharton  Here and Beyond

Edith Wharton

Here and Beyond

Appleton & Company, NY, 1926. TRUE FIRST EDITION. Very Good.8vo.[i-vi] 1-324 [325]-[326] pp. Hard Cover, no dust jacket. Dark blue moire cloth with gilt lettering and designs on spine and front board. First Printing, First State. Issue points: "(1)" below....
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Thomas Wolfe  Of Time and the River

Thomas Wolfe

Of Time and the River

FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1935. Hard Cover. Copyright page: ‘A’ and Scribners seal. Publisher's black cloth, stamped in green, gilt and blind; in the original pictorial dust jacket, with a wave theme in dark green a....
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Vladimir Nabokov  King, Queen, Knave

Vladimir Nabokov

King, Queen, Knave

FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1968. Hard Cover. Book Condition: Very Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. First Edition. gilt lettered black cloth with embossed spine, xi, 272, (1) pages, first edition so stated on c....
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H.G. Wells  The Soul of a Bishop

H.G. Wells

The Soul of a Bishop

Macmillan, New York, 1917. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, FIRST PRINTING. Very Good. 8vo. Hardcover, no dust jacket. [VIII], 341, Advertisement:[XI]p. Color frontispiece by C. Allan Gilbert. Stated: "Set up and electrotyped. Published, September, 1917." on the c....
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John Updike  Rabbit Is Rich: Signed

John Updike

Rabbit Is Rich: Signed

FIRST EDITION, FIRST PRINTING, SIGNED Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1981. Hardcover. Book Condition: Near Fine in Near Fine Dust Jacket. Winner of both the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1982. Signed by the author. First Edition C....
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Thomas Wolfe  Look Homeward, Angel

Thomas Wolfe

Look Homeward, Angel

FIRST EDITION. FIRST PRINTING. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929. Hardcover. No Jacket. Book Condition: Very Good-. No Jacket First Printing with the Scribner seal on the copyright page, and no mention of subsequent printings. The lower case 'g' in "greek" on....
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Faulkner Willliam  The Town

Faulkner Willliam

The Town

Random House, 1957. Hardcover,371pp. Book Condition: Near Fine. Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good. Red cloth binding, gilt/grey titles, top edge stained grey. Stated “First Printing” on the copyright page. First state DJ, dated 5/57, price $3.95 intact. Li....
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Harris, Joel Chandler  On The Plantation

Harris, Joel Chandler

On The Plantation

FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, FIRST PRINTING. D. Appleton, New York, 1892. Hardcover, 8vo. [i-xii], [1]-233, [234], 10 pp advertisements. Portrait frontispiece, other illustrations in text. Mustard cloth. Brown-coated end papers. Published April 16, 1892 preced....
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