Richard Russo
The Risk Pool
Publisher: Random House, Inc.
Publication Date: 1988
Hardcover: 479 pages
Edition: First Edition
Biblio.com prices:14 Signed Copies from $15.00 to $600.00. Average: $238.00 11 First Editions from $11.00 to $200.00. Average: $66.00
Edition | Lowest Price | Highest Price | Total |
First Edition | $11.00 | $200.00 | 11 | Price | Quantity | |
Up to $29.99 | | 2 | $30.00-$59.99 | | 5 | $60.00-$89.99 | | 2 | $120.00-$149.99 | | 1 | $180.00-$209.99 | | 1 |
Sweeping, humorous and greatly moving, The Risk Pool is a 30-year saga of Sam Hall, a roguish hellraiser, and of his introspective son, Ned. When Sam abandons the family, Ned vacillates between his nervous mother and his reckless father, struggling to win his father's affection.