Philip Roth
Portnoy's Complaint
Publisher: Random House, Inc.
Publication Date: 1969
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Edition
Biblio.com prices:13 Signed Copies from $100.00 to $800.00. Average: $560.00 62 First Editions from $10.00 to $350.00. Average: $74.00 12 Later Printings from $10.00 to $98.00. Average: $36.00 1 Book Club Editions from $45.00 to $45.00. Average: $45.00
Edition | Lowest Price | Highest Price | Total |
First Edition | $10.00 | $350.00 | 62 | Price | Quantity | |
Up to $69.99 | | 38 | $70.00-$139.99 | | 16 | $140.00-$209.99 | | 5 | $210.00-$279.99 | | 2 | $350.00-$419.99 | | 1 |
States "First Printing" on the copyright page. The price "$6.95" appears at the top of the front flap of the dust jacket.