Michael Chabon
Werewolves In Their Youth
Publisher: Random House, Inc.
Publication Date: 1999
Binding: Hadcover
Edition: First Edition
Biblio.com prices:10 Signed Copies from $35.00 to $125.00. Average: $71.00 13 First Editions from $17.00 to $65.00. Average: $38.00
Edition | Lowest Price | Highest Price | Total |
First Edition | $17.00 | $65.00 | 13 | Price | Quantity | |
Up to $19.99 | | 1 | $20.00-$39.99 | | 7 | $40.00-$59.99 | | 4 | $60.00-$79.99 | | 1 |
In this superb book by Michael Chabon, called by Jonathan Yardley "the young star of American letters," the bestselling author of The Mysteries of Pittsburgh and Wonder Boys gives us nine stunning short stories. Beautifully crafted, powerful in its impact, Werewolves in Their Youth takes us into the hearts and lives of young people and people in midlife caught at emotional moments of turning point and change. Brilliant, frightening, funny, these stories are shot through with Chabon's unique vision and uncanny understanding of our mysteries and nightmares, hilarity and pain.In the opening story, "Werewolves in Their Youth," a boy attempts to help a troubled classmate, only to uncover the even more perplexing troubles of the adults around them. In "House Hunting," a young couple mend their strained relationship during an appointment with a strange real estate broker. In the collection's chilling final story, "In the Black Mill," a student archaeologist travels to a small American city to conduct his fieldwork, and finds himself investigating the mysterious fates of the inhabitants.