Elizabeth Strout
Amy and Isabelle
Publisher: Random House, Inc.
Publication Date: 1998
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Edition
Biblio.com prices:9 Signed Copies from $20.00 to $175.00. Average: $64.00 24 First Editions from $5.00 to $50.00. Average: $24.00
Edition | Lowest Price | Highest Price | Total |
First Edition | $5.00 | $50.00 | 24 | Price | Quantity | |
Up to $19.99 | | 11 | $20.00-$39.99 | | 7 | $40.00-$59.99 | | 6 |
Amy Goodrow, a shy high school student in a small mill town, falls in love with her math teacher, and together, they cross the line between understandable fantasy and disturbing reality. When discovered, this emotional and physical trespass brings disgrace to Amy's mother, Isabelle, and intensifies the shame she feels about her own past. In a fury, she lashes out at her daughter's beauty and then retreats into outraged silence. Amy withdraws too, and mother and daughter eat, sleep, and even work side by side but remain at an enormous, seemingly unbridgeable distance from each other. This conflict is surrounded by other large and small dramas in the town of Shirley Falls, and, with Amy and Isabelle as the main focus of her sharp, sympathetic eye, Elizabeth Strout attends to them all. As she does so, she reveals not only her deep affection for her characters, both serious and comic, but her profound wisdom about the human condition in general. She makes us care about these extraordinary ordinary people and makes us hope that they will find a way out of their often self-imposed emotional exile.