Anne Tyler
The Clock Winder
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Publication Date: 1972
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: First Edition
Biblio.com prices:8 Signed Copies from $275.00 to $2,250.00. Average: $762.00 9 First Editions from $199.00 to $495.00. Average: $338.00 2 Book Club Editions from $10.00 to $35.00. Average: $22.00
Edition | Lowest Price | Highest Price | Total |
First Edition | $199.00 | $495.00 | 9 | Price | Quantity | |
$180.00-$239.99 | | 2 | $240.00-$299.99 | | 2 | $300.00-$359.99 | | 2 | $420.00-$479.99 | | 2 | $480.00-$539.99 | | 1 |